Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Data Scavenger Hunt

I actually got rather carried away looking at all the possible data sets. Fortunately, almost all that I ended up using were in the Albers Equal Area projection, and I had to do very little re-projecting. I selected out the major roads fron a file that seemed to have every dirt trail in the marshes, cattle ranches and citrus groves. I removed 'swamps/marshes' fronm the hydrology layers leaving only streams, rivers, ponds and lakes - most of this county seems to be wetlands.
I wanted to use the Invasive Plants data with the Strategic Habitat Conservation Areas, but there was only one point in Okeechobee County in a state -wide data set. I think the conservation and wetlands combination makes a logical pair.
I will post the raster data late(r). I have only 4 hours before I have to get up for work.

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