Saturday, June 12, 2010

Module 3 - Hurricanes

I'm really pretty embarrased by this product. I never did get past the elevation conversion. I fudged a flooding map by manually classifying the elevation in meters to display only the areas that would have been subject to the storm surge (2.4 meters). I could not do any of the analysis since that was all dependant on the conversion.
I was also dissatisfied with the resolution of the raster files when working at this large a scale. If I have any spare time (ha,ha) I' like to re-do the exercise with an elevation raster I stumbled on form work. It's a 10-foot DEM (as opposed to 30 meter) and it shows so much detail, looks almost like an aerial photo. I think I can get a High-resolution landcover file as well. I just need time to look.

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